Welcome to
Komoka Seniors Apartments
Independent Seniors Living

Sign 109 Hamilton 109/!13 Hamilton 113 Hamilton 109 Hamilton 109 Hamilton 109 Hamilton 109 Hamilton

The Komoka Seniors Apartments are located at
109 and 113 Hamilton Street, Komoka, Ontario  Canada

These apartments provide affordable housing for seniors in our community.
We have two buildings with 20 units each on ground level. These are owned and operated by the

Lobo Township Non-Profit Apartment Corporation

which is an independent private not-for-profit corporation incorporated in the Province of Ontario in 1985
and also a Revenue Canada Registered Charity.

Building 1 - 109 Hamilton Street was constructed in 1986 with the funding provided by the Late Mr. Arthur Malott, who was a resident of Lobo Township at the time. This building contains four 2-bedroom units of approximately 700 square feet and sixteen 1-bedroom units of approximately 527 square feet. Heat, water and hydro utilities are included in the rent. A surcharge applies for new tenants that wish to utilize a window or portable air conditioner in their unit. The rent for new tenants effective January 1, 2025 is:

$683 per month for 1-bedroom unit
$856 per month for 2-bedroom unit

Building 2 - 113 Hamilton Street was constructed in 2009 with partial funding from the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program. This building contains ten 2-bedroom units of approximately 850 square feet and ten 1-bedroom units of approximately 650 square feet. Heat and water utilities are included in the rent and hydro is at the tenants additional cost. As this building was constructed with Federal and Provincial Government funding eligible tenants must not exceed the maximum income limit as per the government regulations. The rent effective January 1, 2025 is:

$679 per month for 1-bedroom unit
$856 per month for 2-bedroom unit

The apartments complex property provides a beautiful and peaceful landscaped setting, with on-site laundry
and a common room with fireplace and kitchen available for tenant functions in each building.

The whole complex has been designated as

A waiting list of eligible tenants is maintained and prioritized on age and need.

For further information write to:

Komoka Seniors Apartments
113 Hamilton Street, Komoka, ON N0L 1R0

email: info@komokaseniorsapartments.com
or contact the Property Manager

A Bit of History

Click here for some history for tenants
Click here for more recent


Plan and Pictures

Click here for 109 Hamilton Street building overall layout
Click here for 109 Hamilton Street building 1-bed and 2-bed unit layout

Click here for 113 Hamilton Street building overall layout
Click here for 113 Hamilton Street building 1-bedroom unit layout
Click here for 113 Hamilton Street building 2-bedroom unit layout

More Pictures:
Komoka Seniors Apartments
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 109 Hamilton Street
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 109 & 113 Hamilton Street
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 109 & 113 Hamilton Street
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street Official Opening June 2009
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street Official Opening June 2009
Lobo Township Non-Profit Apartments Corporation Board of Directors

Pictures - Inside:
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street interior entrance
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street hallway
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street unit
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street unit
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street kitchen
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street kitchen 2-bed unit
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street kitchen 1-bed unit
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street unit
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street unit
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street laundry
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street common room
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street common room

Komoka Seniors Apartments - 109 Hamilton Street rear yard
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 109 Hamilton Street rear yard
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 109 Hamilton Street rear view
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 109 Hamilton Street rear view
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 109 Hamilton Street south units
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 109 Hamilton Street front
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 109 Hamilton Street pergula
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 109 Hamilton Street front entrance
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street winter scene
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street west units
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street centre courtyard
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street centre units
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street east units
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street happy tenants
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street front entrance
Komoka S eniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street front
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street west units
Komoka Seniors Apartments - 113 Hamilton Street entrance

Tenancy Application Form

If you have previously submitted an application and that was more than 24 months ago
please resubmit a new updated application.

Other Links:
Canada Revenue Agency Annual Return Filing

Sign 109 Hamilton 109/!13 Hamilton !13 Hamilton
Page updated: May 16, 2024